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MUN 2024

Model United Nations Conference was organised on 28th and 29th August, 2024 in the school premises. The Chairman, Wing Commander Y. S. Tomar, the Director, Ms. Manisha Tomar, and the Principal, Mrs. Poonam Grover graced the occasion with their benign presence. To invoke the blessings of almighty, the lamp of knowledge was lightened amidst the enchanting of pious Gayatri Mantra. More than 80 Rabindranites participated enthusiastically in the conference, which gave them apt platform to learn political diplomacy and international relations. Rabindranites voiced their insights and proposed solutions to global issue like Israel-Palestine Conflict, Climate change, Carbon Footprints and its repercussions. The Chairman gave trophies and certificates to the outstanding delegates. The Principal,Ms. Poonam Grover congratulated all the delegates and applauded the efforts made by Social Science Department..The programme culminated with the vote of thanks proposed by MS. Rekha Kumar, the HOD of Social Science Department.


    Hindi Debate Competition: "Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Boon or a Curse for Human Life"
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024
    Hindi Vaad Vivaad Pratiyogita 2024

    कृत्रिम बु‌द्धिमता (AI) मानव जीवन का वरदान या अभिशाप हमारे वि‌द्यालय रवींद्रनाथ वर्ल्ड स्कूल में 23 अगस्त को अंतर्विद्यालयी वाद-विवाद प्रतियोगिता आयोजित हुई। जिसका शीर्षक था - कृत्रिम बु‌द्धिमता (AI) मानव जीवन का वरदान या अभिशाप ।
    इस कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ वि‌द्यालय की निदेशक श्रीमती मनीषा तोमर जी, मुख्य अतिथि प्रज्ञा अग्रवाल, प्रधानाचार्या श्रीमती पूनम ग्रोवर, विभागाध्यक्षा श्रीमती कमलेश चौधरी तथा निर्णायक मंडल के तीनों सदस्यों ने ज्ञान की देवी माँ सरस्वती के सम्मुख दीप प्रज्वलित कर पुष्पांजलि अर्पित की।
    वि‌द्यालय में आयोजित प्रतियोगिता में लगभग 17 वि‌द्यालयों के 34 बच्चों ने भाग लिया। जिसमें सभी कृत्रिम बुद्धिमता (AI) मानव जीवन का वरदान या अभिशाप के पक्ष और विपक्ष में अपने विचार प्रस्तुत किए और उन्हीं के शिक्षकों द्वारा उनसे महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न किए गए। जिसमें सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रथम पुरस्कार सी.सी. ए. वि‌द्यालय को मिला। चेयरमैन यशवंत सिंह तोमर जी ने बच्चों को प्रोत्साहित करते हुए प्रतियोगिता के महत्व को बताते हुए कहा कि इस प्रकार के आयोजन से बच्चों को अपनी अभिव्यक्ति प्रस्तुत करने और बौ‌द्धिक क्षमता का विकास करने का अच्छा अवसर प्राप्त होता है। मुख्य अतिथि जी ने कहा कि इस प्रकार की प्रतियोगिताएँ होने से बच्चे मशीनी युग की अनेक समस्याओं से अवगत होगें।
    वि‌द्यालय की प्रधानाचार्या जी ने सभी प्रतिभागियों को प्रोत्साहित करते हुए कहा कि मशीनी युग वरदान के साथ - साथ अभिशाप भी है। इसका सही उपयोग राष्ट्र के उत्थान में सहायक हो सकता है और दुरुपयोग से कई हानियाँ भी हो सकती है। अतः सही नज़रिए की आवश्यकता है ताकि इसका सही उपयोग हो सके ।


      Oceanic Week celebrations
      Oceanic Week 2024-25
      Oceanic Week 2024-25
      Oceanic Week 2024-25
      Oceanic Week 2024-25
      Oceanic Week 2024-25
      Oceanic Week 2024-25
      Oceanic Week 2024-25
      Oceanic Week 2024-25

      The primary students of RWS actively participated in the Oceanic Week celebrations, demonstrating their creativity and environmental awareness through various engaging activities. The event aimed to inspire students to appreciate and protect the marine environment while showcasing their talents.

      The highlights of the celebration included:

      Poetry Recitations: Students presented thoughtful poems on the ocean, focusing on the beauty of marine life and the urgent need to protect it. Through their words, they emphasized the vulnerability of sea creatures and the consequences of pollution on marine ecosystems.

      Art Exhibitions: The students displayed a vibrant collection of ocean-themed artwork, featuring coral reefs, sea animals, and underwater landscapes. These artworks reflected the children’s understanding of ocean life and their love for the environment, with some pieces emphasizing the harmful effects of ocean pollution.

      Rhymes and Songs: Lively performances of ocean-themed rhymes and songs entertained the audience while delivering educational messages. The children sang about the importance of keeping beaches clean and reducing plastic waste to protect sea animals.

      Talks on Sea Animals: A special segment was dedicated to discussions about various sea creatures, where students shared fascinating facts about dolphins, turtles, sharks, and many more. They discussed the role of each animal in the marine ecosystem and how human activities are threatening their survival.

      Presentations on Ocean Conservation: The students also took the opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of keeping oceans and beaches clean. Through short speeches and presentations, they highlighted the dangers of plastic waste, oil spills, and other forms of pollution. The young presenters encouraged everyone to reduce litter, avoid single-use plastics, and participate in beach clean-up drives to help protect marine life.

      Creative Displays: Handmade models of boats, sea animals, and other ocean-related crafts were on display, further reinforcing the theme of ocean conservation. The students used recycled materials to create these exhibits, showcasing their commitment to sustainability.

      The event concluded with teachers and parents praising the students for their creativity and their growing understanding of environmental issues. The Oceanic Week celebration successfully raised awareness about ocean conservation while highlighting the talents and passion of the students.


        Investiture Ceremony 2024-25
        Investiture Ceremony 2024-25
        Investiture Ceremony 2024-25
        Investiture Ceremony 2024-25
        Investiture Ceremony 2024-25
        Investiture Ceremony 2024-25
        Investiture Ceremony 2024-25
        Investiture Ceremony 2024-25

        The Investiture Ceremony of Rabindranath World School for the academic year 2024-2025 was held on 21st August 2024, with great enthusiasm and dignity in the school auditorium. The yearly occasion signified the official inauguration of the recently chosen student leaders into their designated roles. Chairman Wg. Cdr. Y S Tomar, Director Mrs. Manisha Singh, Principal Mrs. Poonam Grover, together with students and teachers, attended the ceremony honouring the commitment and responsibility of student leadership.
        The ceremony commenced with playing of anthem by the school band. The Principal gave a heartfelt greeting to everyone. She emphasized not only the significance of student leaders in upholding the school's traditions and values but also the role that leadership plays in fostering a positive school environment. For the recently elected leaders, her message instilled a sense of enthusiasm and duty.

        The Student council, under the leadership of the Head Boy, Purushottam Tripathi and the Head Girl Arunita Rawat took the pledge to abide by the school rules and hold school motto in high esteem.

        The elected leaders were conferred with badges and sashes by esteemed Chairman, Director, Principal and House Mistresses. The Chairman congratulated the office bearers and motivated them to deliver their duties to the best of their abilities. The function culminated with the Vote of thanks proposed by the Principal followed by National Anthem.


          Teej Celebration
          Teej Celebration 2024
          Teej Celebration 2024
          Teej Celebration 2024
          Teej Celebration 2024
          Teej Celebration 2024
          Teej Celebration 2024
          Teej Celebration 2024
          Teej Celebration 2024
          Teej Celebration 2024
          Teej Celebration 2024
          Teej Celebration 2024

          At Rabindranath World School, the vibrant festival of Teej was celebrated on 3rd August, 2024 with great enthusiasm and joy. The school organised a staff party that brought everyone together to partake in the festivities. The celebration was marked by a series of fun games that added a lively and competitive spirit to the event. Teachers, dressed in beautiful green attire symbolising the monsoon and renewal, performed traditional dances, captivating the audience with their graceful moves. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as the staff bonded over laughter, dance and games.